Sunday, May 9, 2010

Promotion house in May!

Kg Selayun Mukim Sengkurong 2 units proposed double storey houses 1900sqft-2000sqft (0.124ac) only Plot B available price only $218,000.00..the cheapest ever..Grab it while you still can...

Notice: Sold out....Thanks to the buyers....Watch out for more new houses coming SOON...

New houses for sale! 10/5/10

Kg Tg Bunut 2 units proposed double storey semi-detached houses 2,334.15sqft (0.065ac) land in perpetuity only for $260,000.00.

New houses for sale! 10/5/10

Kg Mata-Mata 4 units under construction double storey semi-detached houses 2,700sqft (0.084ac - 0.096ac) land in perpetuity only for $268,000.00.

New houses for sale! 10/5/10

Kg Tg Bunut 4 units proposed under construction double storey Terrace houses 2,234sqft-2,249sqft (0.045ac - 0.102ac) land in perpetuity only for $198,000.00 - $240,000.00.

New houses for sale! 10/5/10

Kg Penanjong Tutong 4 units proposed double storey detached houses 2,400sqft (0.16ac - 0.25ac) land in perpetuity only for $258,000.00 - $288,000.00.